If you weren't able to make it to Daytona Beach, Florida this summer for Youth Quest 2014, then you missed out on some great moments!
The Awakening team was present in full force this year. We sent 7 summer interns as well as 3 of our traditional interns and 5 staff members. The Awakening booth featured new t-shirts, The Awakening Band's new EP, and information about our new leader's initiative; Native Leader.
One of the highlights for us this year was our involvement in Youth Quest FORUMS. What are they? They are new classes that Youth Quest has created to allow students and leaders to learn more about different areas of ministry and life.
Several of our team members had the honor to be involved in the FORUMS experience. Seth Nix spoke on the panel about Worship. Skye Liles presented about social media and technology. Dreama Bryant, Maddie Lafferty and Jonathan Liles talked to students about missions and what steps they could begin taking NOW to get to the missions field later in life.
It was a privilege to be part of YQ 2014. We know that it had a lasting impact on all the students, leaders, and parents that attended and we are grateful to have witnessed it all.
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