by Evan Davis
summer intern to The Awakening
How great is our God? This is the question I found myself asking on the last morning service of Euroquest. How great is the God who brought eight nations together under one roof to praise his name? As I stood in awe while each nation sang that song in their own tongue I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:4-7. "There are a varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are a varieties of service, but the same Lord: and there are a varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." In this moment I realized what it really means to be a part of an international body of believers.
The theme of Euroquest 2014 was "Rebuilding the Altar in Europe". In Joshua when God commands the people to build an altar he specifies that they must use only uncut stone. How much easier would it have been to build an altar with uniform stones that fit together perfectly? Building with fresh stone is painstaking because each rock has a distinct shape. Similarly the church body is comprised of individuals who are all different. Do you ever find yourself thinking how much easier it would be to "do" church if a few members were a little less "different"?
Building with uniform stones may be easier but how much more beautiful is an altar of uncut stone? The delicate balance of these distinct stones fitting together is what makes it beautiful. Being the body can be difficult because it's comprised of broken people, but just like an altar of uncut stone a church body of broken people brings glory to God. There are a variety of people in the body, but we all serve the same God. That is what is so beautiful about both the altar in Joshua and the church today.
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