The Awakening says "farewell" to the 2014 summer interns

Monday, August 11, 2014

On August 5th, 2014 The Awakening held the commissioning service for their 2014 summer interns. We took the time to celebrate their hardwork and growth over the summer. 

A few of the summer interns gave a short testimony of their time serving with The Awakening. The staff members of The Awakening expressed their appreciation and love to each intern with a few words of encouragement. Bishop Doug Beacham gave a few heartfelt remarks and Bishop Tal Gardner presented each intern with a personalized Bible. Bishop Tommy McGhee gave closing remarks and the benediction which was followed by a prayer time for each individual student. 

It was a bittersweet moment end to the two month internship. While they were serving with The Awakening, the interns ministered in many places including Oklahoma, North Carolina, Florida, Haiti, Costa Rica, Panama and Hungary. The students all departed on Wednesday, August 6, 2014.

On behalf of all The Awakening Staff, we want to say thank you to the summer interns for all their hard work and dedication to The Lord’s work. You will always hold a special place in our hearts and we love you very much. Now go change the world!


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