The Awakening partners with LAMCAR youth ministries

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Awakening is proud to announce our first joint effort with the youth ministry team of the Costa Rican conference, part of the WMM LAMCAR region! Just recently, Max had the opportunity to visit with the National Youth Council in San Jose to finalize the details of our first international youth conference through our World Quest Program. World Quest is a youth conference similar in format to the American church’s Youth Quest and will be hosted in each of our four global ministry regions.
We are super excited about the opportunity to pray, worship, and fellowship with the youth of the LAMCAR region! We believe that as we begin this series of international events, God will enlarge the vision or our IPHC youth and launch them into their destinies!

While in Costa Rica, Max also ministered at a youth event for the south region of the conference and challenged the young people to begin living a great commission lifestyle in their own communities. That same day, we brainstormed with the National Executive Board of the IPHC in Costa Rica about the different ways we could work together and help their youth get involved with missions.

We also praise God for the opportunity for Max and Pastor Jimmy Ramirez, National Youth Pastor of the Costa Rican conference, to meet with Mr. Jorge Rojas, the Representative of Youth Affairs for the government of Costa Rica! Rojas was very interested in how the youth and youth pastors of the IPHC in Costa Rica can positively impact their country as they serve as passionate and committed models of Christian moral and social values. As a result of this meeting, Rojas opened up incredible doors of opportunity for our churches to use public facilities and resources to continue reaching out to their communities!


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