Spring Break 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This past Spring, The Awakening was beyond excited to lead its first two youth and college teams to work with the homeless living in tent cities in Nashville and to assist in earthquake relief efforts in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Max led a group of ten college students from Southwestern Christian University in Oklahoma City to minister alongside Friendship World Outreach of Waverly/Nashville, TN hosting a services, taking part in food distribution, and sharing the love of Christ with Nashville’ s hurting and hungry.

That same week, Jessica led a team of eleven youth and college students from across the country to serve our churches in Haiti devastated by the recent earthquake. The team painted three IPHC schools and one church, organized the storage depot on the IPHC compound full of medicines, food, water and other relief supplies, as well as helped to prepare the compound to receive future missions teams.

Both of these teams witnessed God moving in their respective locations. The Nashville team was overjoyed to lead a Russian professor to the Lord after she witnessed her hahandicapped son playing with other children for the first time since the surgery that left him mentally and physically impaired. The Haiti team loved serving alongside the local Haitian youth to make a difference in the lives of the school children that can now see more clearly to do their work in their newly brightly painted classrooms. The Awakening was especially blessed to find out that 10 to 12 of the team participants now feel called to serve as full-time missionaries in the future. Praise the Lord!


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